Welcome to my World
Willkommen in meiner Welt
Group Exhibition in Kinvara
In August 2022 I took part in the Group Exhibition of KAVA in the Old Courthouse in Kinvara. I am really proud to be am member of this prestigious association!
From 1 to 15 July Time Lapse 2 could be seen at the Remote Gallery in Zwickau /Germany. I am stoked to have been invited as Artist in Residence!
Time Lapse 2 is a slightly reduced version of the initial show due to space restrictions in the gallery.
Looking back at the show I have to say that it was a pleasure being invited to the City of Zwickau. But due to the location of the Gallery and the difficulties the organizers (who were incidentally not based in Zwickau) encountered in publicizing the events I felt a little disappointed.
On the other hand I thoroughly enjoyed the spirit of the city, and I am very glad to say that I made a few friends during the weeks I stayed in Zwickau. I will certainly cherish the co-operation with other artists and galerists in the region!
It took a long time - nearly 20 months to be exact before I could exhibit my works again. This time it's not the big stage but I display my pictures, the vast majority brandnew, in the Gallery of Scariff Public Library.
I gladly accepted the invitation by Clare Arts Office and took the time slot offered. You can view just over 20 of my works in Scariff from 13 September to 16 October, and those of you who saw my previous exhibitions will notice that my style changed a bit.
It's more landscape oriented now - no wonder given the beautiful features Ireland has to offer. But you will still find that the backbone of my work is still the same: To create strong emotions with powerful colours and graphic elements, unexpected angles and different views of things and places you know.
For me and the people I work with, TIME LAPSE marks a new beginning of professional cultural life in the community, and I am very happy to be a part of it.
Check out my Instagram page for more of my work: @clauseckhardkraemer
Calendar 2022
2021 was very special - only one exhibition, hardly any international travel - so I concentrated once more on working in East Clare and the Lough Derg region. The result: after the one for 2021 another unique Calendar: EAST CLARE MAGIC 2022. It is of particular interest to people in and from East Clare - and of course to everybody who loves a very special style of photography! I selected 12 of my best shots from the fascinating region.
Format: A4, Fine Art Print. Price 15 Euro plus € 3.90 p&p (Ireland), € 5.90 p&p (international). You can also collect your calendar.
Order by Email: cek@cekraemerart.de or call me at 085-8589583. From abroad: +353-85-8589583.
Moving On -
Life in Ireland
It had been on the cards for a while - now it has become reality. I moved to Ireland (again: I lived here for a bout 9 years in the nineties). I arrived on the day when Ireland and Germany declared their respective lockdowns because of Covid-19.
Not a great start, one might think. But there were many advantages in being locked down like the rest of Europe (of course I didn't realize this immediately - first and foremost I felt incarcerated, sentenced to a life in prison, in a very comfortable prison, I have to admit). I could concentrate on getting used to the immediate surroundings, Lough Derg and Scarriff. The different (and more pleasant) climate. The house, the garden, the lake, the river.
I didn't stop taking photos, editing, adding my thoughts to the picture to create my form of reality. Not much real work, though. REAL WORK - that's getting ready for exhibitions, talking to friends and colleagues, travelling, organizing the publicity around my shows or my participation in Art Shows. So this year is different, no exhibitions, no travel. No real work. No real work? I guess I have to think again ...
There is a positive element to it all. An element of deceleration, of contemplation.
Which meant for me that I found myself starting to create pictures of landscapes. Ireland is beautiful, no doubt, and East Clare, where I am living now, tops the expectations of all those visiting.
But ... I thought for a long time I wasn't being creative. Not doing MY thing. Just being one of many. Then it dawned on me, slowly, very slowly. I had not lost my way, my direction, my uniqueness. Opening up to the new situation, to the new country, radically accepting my new life. I found that I had grown as an artist.
Of course I am looking forward to exhibiting again, going to France, Albania, Austria as I did before (and to ART Endingen, the Art Show that is particularly dear to me). Until then I concentrate on creating more images, more pictures that read like a poem and look like a painting (as a friend once said).
I want to get better - although I am not quite sure what this might mean. I will not stop learning, experimenting and - yes - working. And realizing that what I am doing is REAL WORK. So let's embrace life, let's be creative, and let's be ready for the challenges that await us in the foreseeable future
Looking Back ...
And Looking Ahead
Things are happening at lightning speed. I enjoyed ART Innsbruck at the beginning of the year (and the publicity that went with it), in February I had a wonderful two-week-event with my friends from KunsTraum near Freiburg/Germany. Then there was ART Endingen, and I won't miss it as long as the super-organizers Willy and Maja Kern will have me. A fabulous weekend followed in France. I was invited together with 17 other artists by the Mayor of Plombièrews-les-Bains for the ARTPLB. What a superb event organized by Yuesef El-Saleh and his lovely wife Marie-Claire! The town spiced up the enjoyment with free hotel rooms and meals. Merci beaucoup!
And now I am just back from ART Brüggen. Last weekend proved very special indeed, and I was wondering how organizers, Bernd and Kerstin Haagmann would fare out. Well, I can tell you that they did everything right. The hall was superbly lit, lots of space for the artists and vierwers and buyers.
Which leads us to a point which must be improved, but not by Bernd and Kerstin. The town of Brüggen did not do very much to promote the event. Asked on Thursday people of the Brüggen Tourist Information didn't know about the Art Show. And, as we hear, the organizers were allegedly not allowed to put up posters in town. Not good, Mr Mayor of Brüggen! If you want this event to seriously develop into an International Art Show, you have to do something about it. From an exhibiting artist's pont of view I can tell you that there is so much potential and professionality. Now it's up to you to feel us even more welcome next year ...
And ... there is plenty more to come! I am so excited of having been invited to Albania for the second time. After a really fantastic show in Tirana last year it's the City of Shkodra where I will be exhibiting my new works from 13 to 21 September.
The venue is a classic: Arka Youthcenter is renowned internationally for its cultural work and ambitious shows. It's also a hostel - so check it out if you are travelling to Albania and are looking for much more than the ordinary. My "fixer" in Albania is Borana Pepa who is working on a number of EU-related projects, and she did everything to make this solo exhibition something very special. You can meet Borana here: @borana.pepa. I would be really happy if you followed my journey to the Balkans and the new show "SPIRIT TIME" here, on Instagram @clauseckhardkraemer and Facebook: clauseckhard.kraemer.3
I think it's about time to start working on this website in English. I found that so many of my friends abd partners were just looking for this oportunity - they did certainly like my pictures, but the text stayed a little bit of a mystery. So we change that now.
I wrote this in Tirana at Destil Hostel and Creative Space. They were running my show "Two Visions. One World." It started with a big opening attended by about 90 guests from all walks of Albanian life, artists of every faculty, among them one of Albania's greats, Arben Theodosi, one of the most renowned painters in the country. We also welcomed quite a few representatives of Albanian Corporations. Many art students came to have a look and discuss details, style and intention of my art with me.
From an idea to an invitation to reality
When the idea of the exhibtion started to develop into something solid and I had received Destil's invitation, I in turn asked young Albanian photographer, Ana Petani to join me in the show. She had never exhibited her work before. But I know she is very talented and extremely dedicated. So we managed to get a really big exhibition together. Ana's ten pictures and my 27 make up a substantial number of works of art.
We were honoured to have won Rafaela Rica as special guest. She is one of the most successful female entrepreneurs in Albania whose company Iceberg Corporations is active and recognized abroad as well. In her opening speech she pointed out that when she founded Iceberg nearly 20 years ago, it was even more difficult than today for a young woman to enter into business. But it was possible then, and it is possible now. She asked all the young people of Albania to be courageos, to travel, to learn languages, to be prepared to experience something new every day. "Be open-minded and tolerant, listen to others. And always try to achieve the best you can."
Faleminderit ...
... means "Thank you" in Albanian. And this is what I have to say to a very special person. She is the Director of Destil, she is the mastermind behind many top-level events, and she works both with her brains ad her heart. Famous Austrian singer Reinhard Fendrich has a song called "A heart as big and deep as a mine in the mountains". It's a song full of tenderness and emotion. And it really fits when describing Sonila Abdalli, the first person ever to work for 25 hours a day ... She organized everything for the exhibition, starting from arranging perfect lighting conditions to creating a whole packet of promo-material for Facebook and Instagram. Of course she sent personal invitations to many people interested in the arts. She contacted people in the Media, arranged a live TV appearance for me on Albania's widest-reaching station. And she made sure that people of her very helpful and incredibly efficient staff were present to help us at every second of the two days when Ana and I set up our exhibition (and at the grand Opening, of course!).
My second "Faleminderit" goes to Rafaela Rica who invested a lot of time to interest her clientel and her friends in the exhibition. She arranged an interview for me and Ana with Tema TV, she presented a smashing speech motivating and inspiring everybody. She introduced us to many corporate people and did a power of good for us. Ana and I are very, very grateful! And she told me to have more English texts on my website. Here you are, Rafaela ...
Faleminderit number three goes to Liburn Jupolli, a renowned musician from neighbouring Kosovo. By the way - Liburn lives in Paris, where he is finishing his musical studies. Soon he will be Dr. Liburn Jupolli! I founf his music intriguing and fascinating, very unique. Check it out for yourself.
Here are some photos. They were all taken by Iris Nela (© @__ehanopin)
Soviel ist bis jetzt passiert ...
Jetzt haben wir November, ich bin schon einige Wochen zurück aus dem sommerlichen Tirana (gut und gerne 30 Grad) - und es steht immer noch fest: dieses Jahr bleibt kreativ und (positiv) stressig!
Was so lief: Zunächst die großen Dinge. Zum erstenmal hatte ich die Möglichkeit, im Ausland auszustellen. Vom 25. bis 28. Januar war ich mit einigen großformatigen Arbeiten bei der ART Innsbruck. Die Show war ein großer Erfolg für mich. Und was noch besser ist: Galerist Salvatore Mainardi hat mich vor ein paar Tagen wieder für seinen Stand auf der ART Innsbruck verpflichtet.
Schon zum drittenmal konnte ich meine Arbeiten Ende Juli bei der ART Endingen präsentieren. Auch dieses Jahr war die Organisation von Willy und Maya Kern absolut fantastisch, das Ambiente war genial - und das Käuferinteresse war trotz der großen Hitze beachtlich. Ich stellte erstmals nur Werke mit hochklassigen Alurahmen und perfekten Drucken von EK2Print in Ludwigsburg aus, und kann feststellen, dass das Interesse an dieser doch eher ausgefallenen Art der Präsentation groß ist. Hier sind einige aktuelle Ausstellungsstücke:
Triptychon Mood 1 - 3 Mood_01_80x140_cm
Red - Yellow - Green (3 x 40x90 cm) |
Scottish Rocks
| Rock_03_62x62_cm
Big_Orange_70x70_cm Killean_Sunset_70x70_cm
Der KunstSommer in Rieden am Forggensee
Das war Heidi Scherbaums Idee (scherbaum-art.de - hier gibt es alle Informationen über den KunstSommer): Sie lebt seit einigen Jahren in der malerischen Allgäugemeinde, ist eine erfahrene Künstlerin und Lehrerin. Zielgruppe für den KunstSommer waren - neben den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern Riedens - von Anfang an die vielen Gäste der Gemeinde.
Meine Ausstellung war in den letzten beiden Augustwochen zu sehen,. Ganz herzlichen Dank an Künstlerin und Galeristin Syxbille Krick (wurzelweib.de, info@wurzelweib.de)
Einladung nach Tirana
Das war jetzt wirklich vollkommen überraschend. Ich wurde von Sonila Abdalli, der Gründerin und Chefin des international bekannten Co-Working-Centres Destil (@destilhostel) eingeladen, bei ihr eine Solo-Ausstellung meiner Fotografien zu machen. Ich habe überlegt und Ana Petani (@anapetani) als Co-Ausstellerin eingeladen. Sie ist Albanerin, eine sehr talentierte Fotografin.
Schaut einfach auf Instagram, da findet ihr mich @clauseckhardkraemer, Sonila und Ana ... und natürlich alle anderen engagierten Künstlerinnen und Künstler. Unsere Vernissage fand am 14. September in Tirana statt, die Ausstellung läuft bis zum 14. Oktober.
Wie immer freue ich mich über Kommentare, Kritik, Meinungen: cek@cekraemerart.de
Kunstdrucke A3 auf Barytpapier (325 gm²)
Der Webshop ist noch nicht ganz fertig ....
... aber hier sind weitere Arbeiten
Perfekte Geschenke für Ihre Familie, Freunde, Geschäftrspartner. Wenn Sie Interesse am Kauf eines der Kunstwerke haben, rufen Sie mich einfach an +49-711-9327199 oder senden Sie mir eine Mail: cek@cekraemerart.de
Ideen für Sie: Ihre Bilder im neuen Look ...
Sie haben ein Motiv, das ich mit meinen Techniken bearbeiten soll? Das mache ich gerne für Sie. Senden Sie mir einfach eine Mail mit Ihren Ideen und Ihrem Foto - cek@cekraemerart.de. Ich melde mich dann bei Ihnen, und gemeinsam können wir Ihre Wünsche besprechen. Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Größen und Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten für meine Fine Art-Arbeiten: Acrylglas - das habe ich am liebsten bei Porträts -, Alu-Dibond, Hartschaumplatten, Gallery Print, Fotoleinwände, Poster ... Die Preise variieren je nach gewünschter Größe und Material.
Kunst mieten
Sie haben ein Unternehmen, ein Lokal, eine Praxis oder Repräsentationsräume und suchen attraktive Kunst zu guten Konditionen? Dann sollten Sie einmal an ein Mietmodell denken. Die Bilder werden alle drei Monate ausgetauscht und so ein neuer, frischer Blickfang für Ihre Kunden geschaffen. Ihr Unternehmen profitiert dreifach: von dem positiven Ambiente für Ihre Kunden und MitasrbeiterInnen, von gesteigerten Imagewerten durch hochklassige künstlerische Arbeiten - und von günstigen Preisen. Interessiert? Dann freue ich mich auf den Kontakt mit Ihnen!
Claus-Eckhard Kraemer
Tel. +49-711-9327199
Experimentelles ...
Schottland ...
Diese Serie stammt von einer Fotoreise nach Schottland und heißt logischerweise "SCO". Ich habe mich bemüht, die gängigen Touri-Motive zu vermeiden (oder sie mit anderen Augen zu sehen). Alle Bilder sind als Großleinwände, Poster, auf Acryglas oder als Gallery Print erhältlich. Die Preise differerieren je nach der gewünschten Größe. Beispiel: Die Bilder aus der SCO-Reihe als Leinwanddruck mit 4-cm-Keilrahmen kosten 480 Euro in der Größe 80 x 140 cm.
This is a series of pictures I created in Scotland and called "SCO" for obvious reasons. If you are interested in purchasing or exhibiting these (or any other of my photographs, see above), don't hesitate to drop me a line or give me a call! By the way: These Digi-Art works are highly decorative and make perfect presents! They are available in a wide variety of sizes and finishings. Example: Pictures from the SCO-Series as canvas print with 4 cm stretch frame of 80 x 140 cm are 480 Euro. Shipping abroad is no problem, please ask for a quote.
Claus-Eckhard Kraemer
Claus-Eckhard Kraemer
Tel. +49-711-9327199